Jindal Scholarship 2021 – Great Details Now

Jindal Scholarship

The Jindal Scholarship plays a special role in advancing economically backward and gifted students. To know how the applicant will benefit from this scholarship, how much money he will get, what to do, his date, link, and all the necessary information, the applicant must read the Jindal website carefully from beginning to end.

  1. Name of The Scholarship – Jindal Scholarship.
  2. Provided By – Sitaram Jindal Foundation.
  3. Eligibility Criteria – Eleven, Twelve, and Diploma Course students.
  4. Rewards Details – Rs. 3,000.
  5. Region – India.
  6. Application Begin Date – Update Soon.
  7. Application End Date – Update Soon.
  8. Mode of Checking – Online and Offline.
  9. Official Website – https://www.sitaramjindalfoundation.org.

Jindal Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

  1. Students should study 11th to 12th classes.
  2. In the case of boys, you have to get 65% marks.
  3. Girls will get 60% marks.
  4. The state of Karnataka will get 75% marks for boys and 70% marks for girls.
  5. The state of West Bengal has to get 70% marks for boys and 65% marks for girls.
  6. ITI students have to study in government or private colleges.
  7. Male students of ITI College will get 50% marks and female students will get 40% marks.
  8. Male students of ITI College will get 50% marks and female students will get 40% marks.
  9. 60% marks for men and 55% marks for women.
  10. The state of Karnataka has to get 70% marks for boys and 65% for girls.
  11. Students should study undergraduate and postgraduate courses in engineering and medicine.
  12. Students undergoing nursing training must do a diploma course.
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Jindal Scholarship How Can I Apply

  1. This Scholarship needs to be applied online.
  2. Applicants can apply for this scholarship at any time of the year.
  3. Applicants cannot apply for this scholarship more than once.
  4. After completing the Scholarship Application Form properly, all the documents need to be attached with the form.
  5. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Andhra Pradesh, Daman and Diu, Gujarat, Karnataka, Goa, Kerala, Maharashtra, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, Telangana—–Sitaram Jindal Foundation, Road-Tumkur, Jindal Nagar, Bangalore 560073.
  6. Applicants can apply for this Scholarship Form online as well as offline.
  7. Applicants can submit this Scholarship Form through the official website.

Jindal Scholarship Required Documents

  1. One passport-size copy color photo.
  2. Certificate of SSLC card.
  3. Student’s final test result.
  4. Students’ Family Income Certificate.
  5. Proof of fee certificate issued to students of medical, engineering, and diploma courses.
  6. Certificate of Merit List of Medical, Engineering, and Diploma Course Students.
  7. Certificate if students are in hostel.
  8. Proof of his physical disability.
  9. Identity cards and dependency cards for widows and ex-servicemen.
  10. If ITI students are BPL then it’s a proof certificate.

Jindal Scholarship Reward Details

  1. Government ITI students are paid Rs.500.
  2. Private ITI students are paid Rs.700.
  3. 800 is given in the case of general category boys students.
  4. Rs. 1,000 is given to girls students of the general department.
  5. Students with physical disabilities are given Rs. 1,000.
  6. 1,200 for married and unmarried students of ex-servicemen.
  7. 1,200 for the post-graduate courses for girls and Rs. 1,000 for boys.
  8. 1,500 for widows and unmarried women of ex-servicemen.
  9. 1,200 for physically challenged students.
  10. 1,200 for girls in the diploma course and Rs. 1,000 for boys.
  11. In the case of girls studying engineering, Rs. 1,700 is paid for education and Rs. 1,500 is paid for boys.
  12. 2,000 for girls studying in medicine and Rs. 1,800 for boys.
  13. 25,00 for girls and Rs. 2,300 for boys in postgraduate engineering courses.

Jindal Scholarship Renewal Process

  1. The Jindal Scholarship provides scholarships to selected economically disadvantaged students and academically performing students.
  2. Sitaram Jindal Foundation provides scholarships to eligible candidates.

Jindal Scholarship Contact Details

  1. Email ID – [email protected].
  2. Helpline Number – 080-2371-5555.


Jindal Scholarship Application Link

Official Website

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Jindal Scholarship About

The Jindal Scholarship plays an ideal role in shaping the education of economically weaker and meritorious students. Applicants can apply for this scholarship at any time of the year. Eleven, Twelve, Undergraduate and Postgraduate, ITI, Diploma, and Nursing training students can apply for this scholarship.